Gaelic literary magazine

STEALL, a literary magazine that aims to bring new writing to people’s attention – interviews, fiction, essays, poetry, research and more – started in 2016.

We are lucky to have had many authors involved in STEALL: both experienced and new. We are also grateful for the support we received from the Gaelic community to produce this magazine.

If you are a Gaelic nerd – they exist! – here’s a statistic or two relating to STEALL 01-05:

  • 52% of STEALL content has been written by Gaelic learners.
  • The majority of STEALL writers – 58% – live on the mainland or in towns.
  • There have been writers who live in Edinburgh in each issue.
  • The 12% of STEALL writers live abroad, for example in Canada, the United States, the Czech Republic or Ireland.
  • 30% of STEALL writers live in the Western Isles or Skye.
  • We published more than 50 writers in the first issues of STEALL.

“As a young person – I haven’t quite reached pension age yet! – it was great to have the opportunity to publish a short story in STEALL. This gave me confidence as a new writer.” Iain Beggs, 2020
